
Video Listing

Our Auditing Listing

Below is a listing of all videos located on our YouTube page related to Auditing. A link to each video is provided. We have only published sections 1 - 3 to YouTube due to no being able to complete this entire course. I have uploaded everything I have to YouTube since I never completed it. I do have aspirations to come back to this in the future. Version 1 was a video I did a number of years ago and Version 2 is an updated version. Although there are two versions, there should not be much of a different into either videos other than one might be from a new time period.

Section 1: Introduction to Auditing

Lesson 1.1 - Studying Auditing and Intro to Assurance - Auditing
Lesson 1.2 - What is Auditing? (Version 2) What is Auditing? (Version 1)
Lesson 1.3 - Why Auditing?
Lesson 1.4 - Management's Assertions
Lesson 1.5 - Financial Statement Assertions
Lesson 1.6 - Auditing, Attestation and Assurance
Lesson 1.7 - Financial Statement Audit Process - Auditing
Lesson 1.8 - Materiality Audit Risk and Audit Evidence
Lesson 1.9 - Audit Process
Lesson 1.10 - Audit Report - An Intro

Section 2: Understanding the Financial Statement Auditing Profession

Lesson 2.1 - The Audit Profession
Lesson 2.2 - Types of Services Provided by Accountants and Auditors
Lesson 2.3 - Understanding Public Accounting Firms
Lesson 2.4 - Responsibility of Auditors
Lesson 2.5 - How Business Operate and Work?
Lesson 2.6 - Important Organizations in Auditing
Lesson 2.7 - Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)
Lesson 2.8 - PCAOB - General Auditing Standards

Section 3: Planning the Engagement

Lesson 3.1 - Client Acceptance (Version 2) Client Acceptance (Version 1)
Lesson 3.2 - Preliminary Audit Engagement (Version 2) Preliminary Audit Engagement (Version 1)
Lesson 3.3 - Audit Committee
Lesson 3.4 - Planning the Audit (Version 2) Planning the Audit (Version 1)
Lesson 3.5 - Audit Test Types (Version 2) Types of Audit Tests (Version 1)

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