Partner with Us and help your students learn

With over 8,000 subscribers, 500,000 views, and over 2.6 million minutes viewed on YouTube, students are choosing to
supplement their studies with our videos and so can you.


Supplement Your Accounting Class with Our Videos

Annually, Patrick produces over 400 videos based on the courses he is teaching during the year. With a library over over 1,000 videos, you can supplement your class or department’s resources with a library of videos for your students.

For a fixed fee per semester (6-month access) per student, your students can have access to some of the best lectures in the industry. When you require your students to subscribe to our Accounting on Demand platform, we will provide you with all of the accompanied lecture notes for no charge (minimum of 15 student subscription). These can be passed on to your students who can follow along with the same notes that are on the video.

Currently, we support Principles of Accounting I, Intermediate Accounting, Individual Taxation, and Advanced Accounting.

To license our content, contact us at

Work with Us

Our platform provides accounting related lectures and videos to students studying accounting. We can provide your brand with the exposure to a very niche audience. Opportunities to advertise on our YouTube channel and our website is limited therefore your brand will get the most exposure to the people you are trying to reach. We are very selective in the partners we work with because we believe it should not distract from the content we provide our viewers. Opportunities to partner with us include:

  • Brand awareness within YouTube Videos and Video Descriptions

  • Advertising on website

  • Advertising included with downloaded worksheet

We do not put any advertising in any content we produce or license to our educational partners. Advertising is only allowed on our external platform for a world-wide audience. In addition, it is our policy not to sell personal data from our customers and therefore we do not sell marketing lists to any external parties. E-mail us at to discuss partnering options.